Marke's Creative Events for Winter

You might be tired, stressed, overwhelmed or all three. But you’re not alone. Over the past six months, these feelings might have made it harder to keep in touch with your creative side. Often overlooked, creativity is a skill that’s integral to our health and happiness. The more creative you are in your everyday life or work, the more fulfilled you’ll feel. Exploring your creative side can ameliorate stress levels, it helps with productivity and therefore personal and work-related success.

In a digital era, curiosity and learning are instrumental – thinking, reflecting, creating, and trying out new things gives us scope to discover endless possibilities. The question is: how can we live creatively during the more challenging chapters of our life?

Our handpicked online creative events for November and December aim to answer this question. Focused around wellbeing and mindfulness, they’ll help you unlock your potential and bring new ideas to life. Once your stress levels are managed, your creativity knows no bounds.

November 17th – November 18th – Unlocking Creativity

Have you got a burning desire to unlock creativity in your personal and professional life?

Are you in need of new creative ideas? Or maybe you need help navigating change and uncertainty in the current climate?

ICA Canada’s session will teach you how to unlock creativity using their Technology of Participation (ToP®) methods.

November 20th – Eddie Izzard: Make Humanity Great Again

Eddie Izzard, well-known for his creatively fast paced, energetic and engaging persona, discusses how we can improve the planet, our communities and ourselves.

The Festival of Discovery is a two-day virtual festival filled with engaging discussions, relevant talks for our time, workshops, and tips on how you can live a greener life, plus there are helpful tips for your health and wellbeing.

Marke sparks creativity

November 21st – Greg Whyte: How to Achieve the Impossible

This event is part of the Festival of Discovery, a two-day online festival full of interesting discussions, relevant talks, workshops, tips on how to live a greener life and how you can improve your health and wellbeing.

Former Olympian and fitness coach Greg Whyte will be highlighting the benefits of physical activity, how it can help with our emotional and social health and how we should embrace “The Great Outdoors”.

November 24th – How to get Unstuck and Electrify your Creative Process, Seth Godin in conversation with Paul Kemp-Robertson

If you’re an artist or visionary who feels stuck, Seth Godin (international bestselling entrepreneur and business thinker) has a simple answer for how you can overcome this: commit to the practice.

“The magic of the creative process is that there is no magic.”

Creativity revolves around the desire to discover new truths, solve problems, or help someone else. Creativity is a choice – not a lightning bolt. You’ll learn how to look at the world and your work in a new and interesting angle – and explore how you can use your creativity to make a change.

November 25th – Meditation for Creativity with Wendy-Anne Steer

This workshop will enable you to explore the benefits mediation has on creativity. It doesn’t matter if you meditate regularly or want to take your first steps into meditation, everyone’s welcome. You’ll also be looking at the science behind the benefits of practicing meditation with a 30-minute guided meditation session.

Marke gets your creative juices flowing

November 26th – Marketing & Creativity in a Mobile-First World

Reaching a large audience in our digital world gets easier every day – but this also means it’s more challenging to stand out. This session will explore the trends and how companies can ensure they stay relevant in a mobile-first world. You’ll be introduced to the full-funnel approach, look at how you can use target capabilities and the online platforms you should be taking advantage of. On top of all of that, you’ll be looking at creative best practice.

Prashant Søegaard is a current Global Online MBA Professor, alumnus of the program and Head of Sales at Facebook.

December 2nd – Leveraging Creativity to Increase Leadership Impact

We all have creativity within us, and we can express it in different ways to different extents. Leadership and creativity are distinct skills which you will learn how to explore in this webinar. You’ll discover how to use these skills to your advantage to increase impact on projects, your team and organization.

December 15th – Applying Creativity to Business: Holiday Treat

Why is it important to tap into creativity? This is one of the questions this event will answer.

Creativity and play – they are arguably two things that we’re less likely to focus on and prioritize as we grow older. This session aims to reactivate these skills and show how you can apply them in the business sphere. You’ll explore the benefits of creativity and play. The session will introduce activities that you can implement in your daily lives that can help with refocusing and reenergizing yourself and others.

Multiple Dates – Unlocking Creativity: Learning how to use Creativity in Everyday Life

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? This four-part course will help you feel re-energised and refreshed, moving into a new year of creativity and opportunity. You’ll learn how to support yourself over the festive season, how you can use rest and movement to spark creativity, discover techniques that can tackle stress, helping you avoid burnout and improve your problem-solving skills.

Marke takes the more creative path

Creative isn’t in our name for nothing. We can support your business through challenging times with innovative and sustainable merchandise strategies. Whether it’s ways to keep employees safe and engaged to pivoting events from physical to online, we’ve got lots of ideas to help. Check out our product catalogues here and get in touch with us at!

If you are looking to make a sustainable impression, contact us to see how we can help.